Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today's post is going to be a mish-mash of information and thoughts and (especially) requests for feedback.

1. In regards to my post last Friday, I would like to say that I am proud of Cory and am glad that he has something he is so passionate about. My mom told me recently that I sounded kinda bratty in that post and I just wanted to make you aware that most of what I said was meant to be taken as a joke. Yes, I don't love animals and I'm not really looking forward to taking care of so many, but I like that Cory has such a strong interest and if supporting him in it means I have to clean up animal poop, so be it.

2. On a related note, Cory keeps asking me if having a bunny has changed my mind about pets in general. It doesn't really. I'm still not very comfortable around animals but I'm working on it.

3. I really like the way my blog looks now. I know I jumped around a bit with the design. Sorry about that. But, now I want to know what you think. Is it clean and inviting? Do you like the colors? Is it easy to read? I especially want to know the answer to that last question. If it's hard to read, whether it's the font or the color of the text, etc., I want to know. I don't want you to not read my blog because it gives you a headache :)

4. I've been thinking a little bit about how now that I'm posting more, most of my life is readily available to you without me having to tell you what's going on. I promise I still have other things to talk about. I was with a friend the other day, and I kinda got the impression that she doesn't read this because she kept asking me about things that I had written about. I felt kinda silly talking about things that I thought she had already read and it made me think that maybe I shouldn't be posting as much as I have been. I really enjoy blogging now especially since I've figured out how to make it work for me, but if it's going to make my real life boring maybe I should cut back. What do you think? It's nice for me to have somewhere to express myself now that I spend a lot of time at home alone but I don't want you to feel like I'm overloading you with my life and thoughts. I want this to be something you enjoy reading and I am open to suggestions.

That's about it for today. Please be honest in your feedback.


Carrot said...

Love the blog look. As for the content, love it as well seeing as we don't get to chat much. I say keep up the great work!

Bethany Hoyt said...

dido what carrot said....miss you

Chris and Aubrey Radigan said...

Hopefully that friend wasn't me you were talking about. If so, here's an explanation, if not here's what I think =D
I love reading your blog and keep up with it. I also really like to hear some of the stories in person. I like seeing facial expressions and the excitement that you radiate when you talk about things that are important to you. It might be that the friend you mentioned just wanted to hear about your life in well as read it over the internet =D
I love the design and feel it's really easy to read!

Claire said...

Clean? Yes. Inviting? Definitely. Easy to read? For sure.

Love, love, love it.
Want to copy it.

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